Payment: Early Bird Registration
before 31st May
Late Registration
1st June –  17th June
Currency: EUR / PLN EUR / PLN
Regular 650 / 3 000 750 / 3 500
Invited/Tutorial Speaker 450 / 2 100 530 / 2 500
Student* 370 / 1 700 430 / 2 000
One-Day Conference Pass 150 / 700 150 / 700
Accompanying Person 150 / 700 150 / 700

* A proof of student/PhD student status must be provided (e.g. student ID, letter by the supervisor, etcetera) and sent by email to

Regulations for paying fees for participation in the IWASOM conference in accordance with the Act on consumer rights of May 30, 2014


Fee includes:

The conference fee covers conference materials, coffee breaks, lunches and conference social events (welcome reception, conference dinner).

Students and young researchers may request free accommodation in students housing.

Accompanying person fee includes conference social event.

Accomodation fee should be paid at chosen hotel/hostel registration desk (see Accomodation link).

Method of payment:

Payments in Euros (EURO) and Polish Zlotys (PLN) are accepted.


Payment by bank transfer:

Account holder:
Foundation for the Development of the University of Gdansk, Jana Bazynskiego 1A, 80-952 Gdansk
Bank name:
SANTANDER BANK POLSKA S.A., I/O Gdańsk, 3go Maja 3, 80-958 Gdansk
Iban code/ account number:
PL 19 1090 1098 0000 0001 3148 3897 (for PLN)
PL 12 1090 1098 0000 0001 1104 3019 (for EUR)
BIC code/ swift address:
IWASOM2024+ (participant’s name)
VAT Identification Number:


Online payment (€):

  • Regular Guest – Early Bird Registration
  • Regular Guest – Late Registration
  • Invited Speaker – Early Bird Registration
  • Invited Speaker – Late Registration
  • Student – Early Bird Registration
  • Student – Late Registration
  • One-Day Conference Pass
  • Accompanying Person
Order processing time in case of card payment: If the participant chooses the payment method by transfer, electronic payment or payment card – from the date of crediting the Seller’s bank account. 

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*Visa, *Visa Electron *Mastercard *Mastercard Electronic *Maestro. “The entity providing online payment services is Autopay S.A.”